304-529-0753 emo@emohealth.org

Building a Healthy Community

Ebenezer Medical Outreach Inc.
1448 10th Ave, Suite 100
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 529-0753

Huntington's free and charitable clinic for the uninsured, underinsured, and underserved.

EMO's Fall Eye Clinic Thursday November 30 Call 304-529-0752 for an appointment Free Eye Exam Glasses obtained at a nominal fee Open to the public in partnership with WVU Eye Institute

There are 57 people in our community seeing more clearly thanks to Ebenezer Medical Outreach, Inc.

New prescription eyeglasses were distributed from Fairfield’s long-serving free and charitable clinic on Wednesday January 10. Patients entered the clinic on the first floor of the Douglass Centre with outdated glasses, damaged glasses, or no glasses at all. They left with stylish, well-fitting new prescription eyewear. The patients had personally selected their frames and purchased the glasses at a cost of $40 or less.

Passing out these glasses finishes a process that started several weeks earlier with Ebenezer’s Fall Eye Clinic. Through a partnership with the WVU Eye Institute, a total of 77 patients received a free vision exam and eyeglass prescription during that November 30th clinic.

The annual Eye Clinic is one of many ways Ebenezer Medical Outreach is working to build a healthy community. Those without health insurance have access to high quality primary care, dental cleanings, laboratory services, prescription medication, select specialty care, and much more as Ebenezer Medical Outreach patients. Call the office at 304-529-0753 or visit emohealth.org to learn more.