Building a Healthy Community
Ebenezer Medical Outreach Inc.
1448 10th Ave, Suite 100
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 529-0753
Huntington's free and charitable clinic for the uninsured, underinsured, and underserved.
Community Outreach Programs
Ebenezer is more than a clinic. Started as an outreach of Ebenezer United Methodist Church in 1986, we remain true to the original vision of eliminating health disparities in our local community through a variety of outreach programs.
Annual Events
Through a variety of partnerships, grant-funding, and fundraising, Ebenezer is able to offer special events for providing the community with vision exams, hearing exams, and more.
Cancer Screenings
Through our participation in the West Virginia Program to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening (PICCS), Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening Program (BCCSP), and more, we ensure everyone has access to these life-saving services.
Community Testing and Vaccination events
In partnership with the Cabell-Huntington Health Department, West Virginia Department of Health, and others, we frequently host and support events for providing our community with access to important health tests and vaccinations.
Community Health Worker
Ebenezer employs a Community Health Worker (CHW) to support our patients with chronic diseases through home visits and coaching.
Community Garden & Healthy Produce programs
Ebenezer supports a Unity Garden just behind our facility, offering a beautiful green space where volunteers come together to grow fresh produce. We also participate in FARMacy WV, an annual program providing patients with chronic diseases access to fresh produce and health education across 15 weeks.
Fit on 10th
Ebenezer offers select patients the opportunity to incorporate exercise and health education into their care plan through an annual membership at the Huntington YMCA.
Medically Indicated Food Boxes
In partnership with the Facing Hunger Foodbank, Ebenezer offers our patients who struggle with food security the opportunity to receive a monthly Medically Indicated Food Box.
Save Our Sisters (S.O.S.)
Save Our Sisters is a women’s health program that focuses on educating women about the importance of early detection of cancer. This outreach effort targets breast, cervical and ovarian cancer.
- Women’s Health Awareness and Education
- Female volunteers of all ages
- Monthly meetings
- Quarterly events open to public
My Brother’s Keeper (M.B.K.)
My Brother’s Keeper is a men’s health outreach that provides education to men regarding the importance of early detection of prostate cancer. Other men’s health issues such as colorectal cancer are included.
- Men’s Health Awareness and Education
- Male volunteers of all ages
- Monthly meetings
- Events open to public
CRUSAIDS (Concerned Residents United to Stop AIDS)
CRUSAIDS is a HIV/AIDS education and prevention program. Its aim is to reduce the spread of HIV and AIDS through testing, distribution of risk reduction materials, special events and educational presentations.
- HIV & AIDS Prevention and Awareness Program
- Public HIV Testing Events
- Strictly Confidential
- Cabell-Huntington Public Health Department
- WVDHHR Funding
- Bureau of Public Health Office of Epidemiology & Prevention Sciences